Moto gymkhana is the ultimate way of improving motorcycle skill and confidence. It’s cheap, accessible, can be done with any motorcycle and is the most fun you can have in first gear.
Riders compete to record the fastest time to complete a set course. The required space is relatively small, typically a carpark, and the course is laid out with coloured cones to indicate the required route.
Moto gymkhana is derived from a Japanese training method and has been around since the 1970s. It was created to provide a low cost and fun way for experienced riders to collectively improve the skills of new riders. It teaches motorcycle handling skills and confidence and engages with the most at risk group of riders and those that traditional methods of additional training do not attract.
Moto Gymkhana West Midlands runs regular practise events in Warwick as well displays at festivals and bespoke training days for motorcycle clubs and organisations. Get in touch if you’d like us to attend your event.